Why it’s different
The Lab is both a learning community and innovation incubator. We work with questions about how to evolve philanthropy from within in order to support more sustainable and generative change. We do this by:
- Making breakthrough changes in ‘how’ funding happens as well as ‘what’ to fund
- Setting more courageous goals and objectives that compel us to work across silos
- Giving ourselves a set of guiding principles that challenge us to work in more impactful, systemic ways
- Offering supportive and challenging learning spaces that work around purpose, values, beliefs and habits
- Bringing together a community of funders, actors, thought leaders and practitioners to share learning and develop actions
- Helping to build deeper relationships between funders to enable greater collaboration
- Working as a constantly evolving ecosystem through reflection, learning and experimentation
- Bringing the wisdom of nature and the principles of living systems into how we work in order to protect all life on our planet
Participating Funders
The story so far
- The Environmental Funders Network and the Bio-Leadership Project came together to consider how to help philanthropy be more effective in supporting deeper, transformational changes in the world.
- We consulted 60 funders and others, from which we defined a guiding star: To help funders work together in supporting ‘economies in service to life’.
- Nine ‘catalyst funders’ joined us for an initial research stage, identifying opportunities to grow this work.
- In 2023, we facilitated a 6-month journey, learning more about potential areas of support including new models of systemic change and alternative funding structures.
- Later in 2023, we prioritised three workstreams to begin working on areas of 1) tax narratives; 2) investment models and 3) rights of nature work.
- We have a wider bank of ideas to develop into workstreams when more funders are ready to join us.
- Through 2024 we are working with live workstreams, hosting ‘Basecamp Trainings’ to help new funders join, and from September will begin a new cycle of continued and new workstream themes.